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The determination of academics for "Abadiran"

The media meeting of "Abadiran National Program" was held with the presence of the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, the vice president for the development of knowledge-based companies and a group of media members.

Ruhollah Dehghani, Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-based Economy, in this meeting, considered the participation and synergy of institutions and structures supporting this national program as the basis for the transformation in connecting knowledge-based institutions to the needs of less-privileged regions and said: the national program of Abadiran in the Vice President of Science aims to link the technology and innovation of knowledge-based companies are defined according to the needs of deprived areas, and more than 28 government and private institutions are with the deputy to realize the development, prosperity and progress of the country. This synergy and participation are a rare initiative in its own kind and it whispers the message that we must first be of the same heart and one voice for prosperity and development. This action is considered one of the prominent points of "Abadiran", because when these collections are gathered together, their capacities and abilities multiply. By putting this capacity together, it can be said that Abadiran's plan is a forward movement in its own way.

Dehghani stated that the synergy of 28 public and private institutions on the basis of a permanent secretariat can make the horizon of this national program clear and accessible, and continued: The synergy of these institutions on the basis of a permanent secretariat can lead to two important achievements. ; First, a report of the measures that have been taken should be presented, and then, the opportunities that have been discovered and calculated through this national program should be introduced, so that the national program of Abadiran can move forward in a more informed and development-oriented way.

The head of the National Elites Foundation considered "people's participation" as another feature of Abadiran's national program and added: "No movement can be lasting and effective without the participation and will of the people, and the noble people of Iran have shown over the years that for the progress, development and upliftment of the country and they do not spare any effort. The role of the people in the development of science and technology is also a strategic role and we will not be successful without the involvement of the people in this process. I hope that the members of the media, whose goal is to help the country, will inform about the capacities of the national program and the Abadiran exhibition so that the audience of this program can become familiar with its capacities and that this program can take steps in the path of development and development of the country as much as possible.

Emphasizing that the destruction of the deprived areas of the country is due to the lack of attention and lack of recognition of the capacities of those areas, and not due to the lack of capacities and talents, Dehghani added: God, with His mercy, has given each land a series of characteristics and capabilities. There are definitely talents hidden in the residents of that region, and therefore, if a region suffers from deprivation, this deprivation must have been due to being less known and not paying attention to these hidden capacities. Experience has well shown that areas whose capacities are less known happen to flourish more and make more significant progress. From this point of view, the national program of Abadiran seeks to recognize and introduce these talents, and to utilize them through the technology and innovation of knowledge-based, technological and creative companies.

He considered the cooperation and role-playing of technology and innovation ecosystem activists, elites and non-governmental organizations in deprived areas as the basis for creating motivation and a sense of belonging to the country and said: Creating a sense of belonging is the first and most obvious feature of working in deprived areas. The experience of Jihadi camps led the approach and outlook of the youth in a direction that, by being in deprived areas, seeing and touching the suffering of their countrymen, increased the motivation and sense of belonging in the youth and made them more diligent, with increasing motivation and more serious to serve their country to work

The vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy, referring to the unprecedented participation of knowledge-based and technological companies in the national program of Abadiran, said: Abadiran exhibition, which is part of the national program of Abadiran, hosts 300 knowledge-based, technological and creative companies in its first period. who have the experience and ability to operate in deprived areas and somehow complete the value chain in deprived areas.

Dehghani explained about the concept of "deprivation technologies": any technology based on the needs, conditions and requirements of a specific ecosystem makes sense. In small mines, there is mining processing technology, but in these years, there have been thousands of small and large mines that did not have the necessary attraction for exploitation, and no one went to them. But the development of technologies in recent years has progressed to the point where the operation of the smallest mines is economical. Technologies that economize on small opportunities to create added value are known as depriving technologies. In general, the development of small-scale machines to create small workshops or home businesses are of this type. The most important feature of disempowering technology is that it weighs job creation more heavily than wealth creation, although disempowering technologies are also value creators.

The head of the National Elites Foundation, stating that the national program of Abadiran includes a series of strategic measures that include the training of manpower living in deprived areas to the development of the market for local products, continued: in the form of the national program of Abadiran, a series of programs will be formed, from It includes the training of talented people in disadvantaged areas and the creation of freelance markets for value creation and employment of people living in these areas, as well as supporting the creation of knowledge-based companies.

Dehghani, referring to the latent and extraordinary capacities for creating employment-creating and value-creating businesses, said: from a company that grows a kind of algae in a remote area for the processing of medicinal plants to another knowledge-based company that manufactures industrial machinery and small-scale machinery for makes home production, all of them create valuable opportunities for employment, creating added value and most importantly, prosperity and progress by removing the burden of suffering from the shoulders of the people.

Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy expressed his hope that Abadiran's national program will advance its movement in the direction of progress and flourishing the latent talents of less privileged areas by holding this exhibition.

Participation of 300 knowledge-based companies in "Abadiran"

In this meeting, Reza Asadifard, head of Abadiran National Exhibition, pointed to the role of development and facilitation companies in deprived areas and explained: Development and facilitation companies in the ecosystem of technology and innovation, the role of creating a link between the needs and capacities of a region to the capabilities of knowledge-based, technological and creative companies perform these companies, as a development institution, are practically a knowledge-based service company that can create added value and employment by recognizing the capacities of a region and the evolution of the value chain. The type of work of these companies is social innovation, and with their good knowledge of the good capacities of that area, they can link the value chains in that particular area.

Referring to the role played by 300 knowledge-based, technological and creative companies in this period of the Abadiran National Exhibition, Asadifard said and continued: This exhibition is in 5 areas: housing and rural development infrastructure, agriculture, animal husbandry and fisheries, small-scale machinery to create employment, health Sandiford and rehabilitation and soft technologies will be held and the companies present in the exhibition will display their capabilities in these 5 areas.

Asadifard stated that the national program of Abadiran is being implemented in accordance with the priority of the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy for the development and prosperity of Iran, and continued: The national program of Abadiran, which begins with this exhibition, is an important concern of all people and institutions. It means helping the development and progress of Iran, especially the areas that have had less resources and facilities. The population of Iran is the concern of every caring Iranian and we all want every corner of our country to taste the sweet taste of progress. This program aims to achieve this goal.

It should be mentioned that the first exhibition of technologies and products for removing deprivation "Abadiran" will be held from 13rd to 15th June this year with the presence of more than 370 knowledge-based companies in the place of Imam Khomeini's Mosque, hosting government agencies, popular and jihadist groups, popular associations and general audiences. Those interested can visit the website of this exhibition for more information.

Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy

  • News group : NEWS,Slider,اخبار معاونت ها و مراکز,Headquarters,Communication & Information Center,Knowledge-based Institutions & Companies Center,Deputy for Technology Innovation & Commercialization Develop,Department of STI Policy & Evaluation,Deputy for Management Development & Resources ,International Affairs & Technological Exchange Center,Strategic Technology Development Center
  • News code : 91401

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